We found a comment by one of the readers of the blog and thought this should be a great information to swisscash lossers worldwide. We will keep you posted on the Situation.
C.Shanmugam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. 7th MAY, 2008.
A news PUBLIISHED IN http://WWW.SWISSCASHINVEST.NET is reproduced below.
Top NewsDear all SwissCashInvest investors, consultants and financial planners: We are proud to announce our new Financial goals and Business Economic Plans due to International Global Markets trend in 2008, which will open new horizons in giant investing worlds progress successfulness that causes profitable transactions in different options for our great team of Research and Investment. After all the crisis accrued for us in August 2007, now we are glad to have all our investors continue with Swiss Cash Invest Online Platform. With a great wish of success for all, let’s deal with our financial fabulous WAY to reach out to our dreams… Hereby it’s brought to your attention that for all those investors and financial planners who had registered “before” 15 November 2007, Swiss Investment Plan (SIP) monthly benefit has decreased 20% from 1-st of April 2008. This is due to economical stagnation and global market and stock markets indicator and output decreasing trend. ”
If any body has got the transfer of previous (Swisscash.net)invested money to this new (swisscashinvest.net)website may please be informed immediately so that I and my family members and friends can join in this new Company’s scheme since I have sent an e -mail to them was returned undelivered. But, a fax has been sent to them . It is not known whether actually they received my Fax message. A copy of the e-mail (undelivered)/ Fax message is reproduced below for your information.
” Tue, 6 May 2008 23:45:50 +0100 (BST)From: “shun mugam”Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.co.in. Learn moreSubject: Transfer of Swisscash.net investment amount to swisscashinvest.net-Claarifications.To:
support@swisscashinvest.netCC: “Shanmugam C”C. Shanmugam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. 7th May, 2008.Ex-Investor in swisscash.net. ID No.insha8897801.E-Mail :
Sir,I am glad to note that you have started business in the name of swisscashinvet.net instead of swisscash.net with slight modifications.
2. I am one of the EX - Investor of SWISSCASAH NET. As per your TOP NEWS in your swisscashinvest.net web sited, you have published a note as follows:-
3. Hereby it’s brought to your attention that for all those investors and financial planners who had registered “before” 15 November 2007, Swiss Investment Plan(SIP) monthly benefit has decreased 20% from 1-st of April 2008.
4. Kindly clarify the following:-
(1). Who has given instructions to Register before 15th November 2007.
(2) What about the fate of the other investors who were not registered before 15th Nov. 2007.
(3) The members log-in is not opened and forget password site is also not opened even though I put correct trading ID and password.
(4) Whether the previous invest amount has been carried forwarded to your new company . If so why you are putting separate new class for Registration. It is your responsibility to send E mail to all existing Investors. But you have NOT DO SO. why?.
(5) WHAT ABOUT LEGAL CASE with Malaysian Government.
(6) Now, you have got permission with Malaysian Government to do business in their Country.
( 7) I am expecting your reply with in 7 days otherwise this fact will be informed to http://www.ic3.gov , SC kualalumpur and other Officials as well as blogger.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
C. Shanmugam ”
Kindly inform your comments / the way to get transfer of invested amount to this new website (swisscashinvest,net) if it is a real genuine website to my e-mail :
Thanking you,Yours lovingly,C. SHANMMUGAM.