2007年12月6日 星期四
Welcome SMF,Swissmaxif Financial
Understand our customer needs and offer the right solutions Deploy the best policies and strategies with the hightest Swiss standard.Be transparent and deploy ethical business teamwork.Working in partnership with you,our role is to help create,implement and manage solutions for you to meet your financial objectives.
SERVICE and products
Please find hereunder a view of SMF LA’s services and products:
Wealth Management
Financial Advisory
Real Estate Fanily Office
Credit Facilities
Making the ritht choices today will save your money in the long run
You are starting a new business and don’t know what kind of financial partners to choose?
You already have partners and are thinking of changing to new ones.
Your curbed investment money by international law
You have to decide what finacing you need and whether self-financing, bank or personal borrowing or investment suits you.
You have to present a credible business plan to get funding.
You want to invest some money in the business yourself.
You want to create your company.
This is where we can help .At SMF LA,we understand your business and your needs and will work closely with you to find a solution that will meet your particular requirements
Financial Opportunities
SMxF is proposing a selection of current products:
Note:Our team is currently working on the selection of new products to best satisfy our costumers.We encourage you to re-visit this page in the near future.
Claiming Process
Follow policy SMxF LA,1999 each investment account which has been passive exceed 5 month,10% charge from balance investments are needed. Example for prvious SC-SMF investment:
Any referral compulsory must have an e-point from-SMxF or Introducer
After registration done,Investor would be able to :
See earlier investment balance in new schedule
Activation money 10% included profit as 200%
All statement/schedule repayment is 15 month
Also can do other transaction as:
Nes member activation
Financial Statement
Money transfer
refund statement
refund statement
Need Consultant Service?
Fill in information about your previous investment on available form.
Obtain new e-point to activate your accout (E-point – Find out from SMxF or your intrducer)
Agree with therm & condition SMF.
Log on to http://www.swissmaxif.net/
In afford to introduce this refund programme to the world,a plan drafted and remuneration is provided as follows:5*5 members
2007年12月3日 星期一
Registered Members19525
(click for detail)
Total Group Volume Payout USD9.746m
Total First Month Activation Fees Payout USD1.323m (Will be paid on 3rd Dec 2007)
Message to investor:
1.Please update profile. 2.Please update bank information including SWIFT CODE.3.Total withdraw for Earning Point minimum USD500 and Total charge each transfer is USD30/transaction.4.Please check your bank's balance after a week from the date withdraw.
Swissmaxif received 129000 batch of applications from a big agent regarding SC re-funding program. All payment would be channeled to the Agent as a detail provide. Investor cannot made repeat claims if the personal detail has been given to the stated agent. After identify the detail given by the stated agent, it is equivalents with Swissmaxif's database and all the payment process would be made by in this December 2007.
swisscash email
收件人: "光辉 李" lgh@yahoo.com.cn
主题: SC refund program
日期: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 06:43:50 +0800
As a Finance Consultant Company International Standard, Swissmaxif always maintain the record and good performance for customer satisfaction.After one month SC-SMF opened, Swissmaxif accepted lot of demand and registration aim to reclamation passed investment money.Swissmaxif congratulates to all investor had participated this programme. Herewith attached link to see a November 2007 report, participation and total payout have been allocated by Swissmaxif to investor. November Report:
*Please follow directive are given. "
Your trust and confidence is our responsibility " Thank You.
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