2007年10月12日 星期五

Dear all investors

Upcoming New International SwissCash Portal under testing commissioning and system enrichment. Kindly be patient as the new portal with feature-rich contents is set to launch into new financial orbit new rock-solid partner. This new financial portal is set to take the world by storm through a series of legal implementations as well as new technological breakthrough and convenient online banking system.
The system of e-points will be no more. That means no buying/selling of epoints. Whatever earned will be transferred through a partner bank. Probably HSBC. This makes the system legal and transparent. However internal transfers of funds will be allowed. The new plan will be paying 33% so that 8% is paid towards bank charges. Let's wait for the event. You will be receiving SMs & mail regarding SwissCash. All these is going to happen this month.
SwissCash is organizing a meeting for investors in Indonesia on 17th this month. Investors are free to attend. They must carry the investment certificate & passport.
